5 of the best new semi-modular synths
Tempted to dip your toe into modular? These halfway houses are the best starting points out there
3 Ants! by Plankton Electronics
This mini modular set-up has 51 patch points and no menus or hidden functions. Patching breaks up the synth’s connections and starts creating new sounds. It has four oscillators, two LFOs, paraphonic capability, sample and hold, white noise generator and more.
£485, planktonelectronics.com
4 Radikal Technologies Delta Cep A
Each part of this paraphonic synth has inputs and outputs, making it highly patchable. Its digital Swarm Oscillator is already a hit as a stand-alone module.It’s a bank of eight oscillators that can be tuned to make chords: great for detuned basslines or pads.
£tba, buy here.