10 iconic Four Tet moments
Kieran Hebden's a musical genius
Accidentally starting 'folktronica'
This is a tag Four Tet's not keen on, but being responsible for kickstarting a genre (sort of) is iconic, right? On 2001's 'Pause', his sampling use of acoustic guitars ('Everything Is Alright), among other folk instruments, and warped, grainy electronics ('No More Mosquitoes') inspired the music press coining a new term for a delicate sound smothered in sun kisses. It didn't take long for him to get sick of it, though. In an interview with PitchforkPitchfork, he said: "Once the 'folktronica' tag was applied, it was a disaster for me. Looking back now, I’m even more annoyed by it. Ultimately, it had an effect on the music I made afterward. It was like a direct rebellion against 'folktronica'. I had to move away from it." This is the last time we mention it, we promise.