
You can now buy a record label in a box

Got £249 knocking around? Why not start a record label

It seems like every man and his dog are starting up their own record label at the moment and now the process has become a whole lot easier.

Ditto are now offering a 'record label in a box' where people can purchase everything they need to get their new imprint up and running.

Starting at £249 for the Premium edition, the box will contain all of the necessary documents to start the label up. This includes the Companies House registration, label certificate, free domain hosting and label contracts that you can distribute once you're set up.

There are also Professional and Enterprise versions, with the latter costing £3499 and featuring one-to-one career building, a 12-month mentoring scheme, a full PR and marketing campaign and a branded website.

While we don't think all of this is completely necessary and not the most cost-effective solution, it's a nifty little bundle and one that might be the perfect start to your record label's domination.

Head over to the official website for more info and check out the video below

[Via: Fact]