
This just in: Steve Aoki plans to live forever


Cake-throwing EDM star Steve Aoki has revealed via his recent Netflix documentary that he plans to live forever. In that he means...he will be immortal.

The piece, I'll Sleep When I'm Dead, which has a rather fitting title, follows the trials and tribulations of being Aoki, through his heavy touring schedule and consistent high jumps off CDJs.

The Dim Mak boss explains that after he passes, his dead body will be given to the Alcor Life Extension Program, where it will be preserved in strict, low temperature conditions at an Arizona facility. The method of suspended animation will keep Aoki's corpse and brain in tact until future technology lends the possibility of revival.

Steve continues to disclose that technological advancements may be able to upload his consciousness to a computer, granting him "digital immortality". And the plot thickens.

The choice to commit to this came when Aoki first learned of the real possibility of these resurrection methods via an exposé by futurist Ray Kurzweil.

The price of eternal life cost the producer $220,000 and a legally binding contract with the Alcor Life Extension Program.

Seeing as he's placed at number five in Forbes' Electronic Cash Kings, with a worth of $23.5 million, that $220,000 isn't going to leave too much of a hole in his bank account.

[Via: Rolling Stone]

Sydney is Mixmag's US Digital Content Editor. Follow her on Twitter here