
T.E.S.O - 7/10

No. 3 Obliate

At first listen you might think this is an Autechre tribute act.

From regular rhythms that skitter and crunch unpredictably to track titles like '%(modulo)', 'e_flaer' and even 'untilted blue monocrom', which seems to be a direct nod to Autechre's 2005 'Untilted' album: all the signs are there!

However, Aperture boss and UK electronica legend Andrea Parker is way too canny to sign anything genuinely unoriginal, and this stands out on two fronts. First, it's got a very particular gritty, gothy aggression – and secondly, every track is so unique in its patternings and moods that you cease to care about influences and references.

This ain't for everyone but, if you've got a taste for the odd, it's a doozy.

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