
Seth Troxler buys Dave Haslam's record collection

He's the new owner of about 4,500 pieces of wax

Remember we told you about former Haçienda DJ Dave Haslam selling his record collection? Well, it's been sold to Seth Troxler.

Dave announced in October that he would be flogging about 4,500 pieces of wax, saying he wanted to get rid of the lot in one go, and the records will soon be in Seth's hands.

The history behind them coaxed the generous DJ into forking out on them, though the price is unknown, with him saying: "As a 30 year old there is only so much you can read about or hear through friends to imagine what it was like during the heyday of acid house and the Haçienda.

"I think my great joy will be finding new music, hearing things I never knew existed from people forgotten through time."

Covering Haslam's 30-year DJ career, Seth will be getting material released on Manchester label Factory Records, industrial and alternative, early acid house bits, "bleepy stuff" and "euphoric floorfillers" from the 1990s and a whole load of house.

Haslam said: "The records were bought by me to be played – it's a working DJ's collection - and Seth's commitment to music and to vinyl is fabulous. There's stuff in there he'll know and love but stuff he'll discover too, and through him, and thanks to him taking them on and playing them out, new audiences will discover them too, and enjoy them."

Expect to hear more news on the official handover, which is happening in December. For now, check out 10 tunes that remind Seth of being a teen.