
Sei A - 9/10

Space In Your Mind

In the last seven years, London-based Scot Andy Graham has been finely tuning his mopey, insular sound across two albums and many EPs. While his beats have veered between house, garage, bass and techno, a grey and rainy-day sense of melancholy has never been far away.

And that's the case again here, on Graham's third and most coherent album yet. Beats are second fiddle to mood, and those moods range from cloudy and claustrophobic to hymnal and meditative to cautiously optimistic. Shimmering, pained vocals add heartbreak to tracks like the lovely 'Everytime', 'Tides' may well be the sort of thing you'll hear as you pass from this life to the next, and the contrast between light and dark across the whole LP is truly accomplished.