
​Researchers say people who go to concerts are happier in life

In case you couldn't figure that one out on your own

According to a new Australian study, if you go out and have fun at concerts... chances are, you’re going to be a happier person.

Monitoring 1000 people involved in the study, researchers "explored the connection between habitual music engagement and subjective wellbeing”.

What they found was that those who regularly go to concerts (or any type of music event) live overall happier lives than those that don’t. That being said, live music is not what’s most important - rather, it’s the communal aspect that produces comfort. Apparently scientists have just discovered that sharing experiences with others tends to make people happy.

We might not be scientists here at Mixmag, but we'd recommend going out to test this "theory" for yourself. Go out and have a dance with your mates. It's worth it.

[Via: Noisey]