
The Cover Mix: Patrick Topping

Local hero

As Patrick Topping prepares for the biggest summer of his life, we met him in his home town of North Shields for a fish supper and a night out.

1) Elliot Adamson Alphabet Song

2) Leroy Burgess, Reflow This Is How We Do It (Tiger Stripes Remix)

3) Super Flu Shine

4) Chicago Hustlers Better Dayz

5) Marquis Hawkes Sealion Woman

6) DJ Pippi, Pasion Flamenca ?Fatal Fatal! (Rawtal Mix) (Patrick Re-Edit)

7) Pachanga Boys Black Naga

8) DJ Duke Tribal Journey (Sun Mix)

9) Big Miz The Bomb

10) Patrick Topping Dr. Vibes

11) MATRiXXMAN Simulation (Creepy Autograph Translation)

12) Henrik Schwarz Not Also You

13) Akzidenz Grotesk Isbjorn

14) Big Miz Good Thing

15) Abe Duque Champagne

16) Elliot Adamson Need Somebody Interlude

17) Digital Justice Theme From It's All Gone Pear Shaped

18) wAFF Elise