
​Proudly rep being denied from Berghain with Palace’s new tee

Did you get in?

The London skate brand Palace recently shared images of its forthcoming F/W 2017 streetwear collection, which features a nod to the iconic Berghain nightclub.

Palace has printed the Berghain structure on a t-shirt dubbed ‘Denied Entry’, playing on the perception that the club is notoriously known for being difficult to enter due to its selective door policy. There's even a virtual reality game for people that want to know what it's like to get past the bouncer and people have illustrated tips as well. Read about why the door policy is so strict here.

The Palace t-shirt will be produced in two colors, black and white, and will be available for purchase from the company’s website on August 18.

View both of Palace's 'Denied Entry' t-shirts via the gallery above.