
Moby: "Donald Trump is the worst of the worst”

He has some fierce comments regarding the Republican candidate

As the United States inches closer to a critical election day, the outspoken Moby is holding nothing back when saying exactly what he thinks of notorious Republican nominee Donald Trump.

For one, Moby is grateful that Trump is stirring up controversy with his antics and outbursts as this has seemingly resulted in a more unified Democratic party, led by Hilary Clinton.

In a recent interview with Best Fit, Moby expressed the reasoning behind this sentiment: "He is a cancer scare for cigarette smokers – he has got Democrats and progressives and the left in the United States motivated and united in ways they have never been before. He is a one man Vietnam War. I'm grateful for that – for being so terrible. If he was less terrible he would be scaring us less and we might be less motivated."

For many voters, the fear of Trump becoming president became very real early in the election process when he won the Republican nomination and polls showed that a large number of Americans supported him. This prompted many members of the public to express their political opinions on social media, something that is unique to this election, which, as Moby alluded to, unified Democrats.

Although Moby is thankful for Trump’s role in bringing Democrats together, he clearly dislikes him for his views on certain groups of people: "Donald Trump is the worst of the worst of the worst – he's an entitled, ignorant sociopath who maligns women, minorities, veterans, disabled people, and just look at the recent debate. The only world leaders he praised were Putin and Assad."

Another interesting aspect of this election is that it's featured Trump constantly making headlines for outlandish claims. As Moby describes it, "this feel like bizarre, mescaline-inspired, weird, Hunter S. Thompson-esque fiction. I just can't believe that this is real, but then he just keeps getting worse. He keeps digging himself further into this trench of manure. It's mind boggling."

Election Day in the United States is on November 8.

Harrison is Mixmag's East Coast Editor. Follow him on Twitter here