
​Injuries reported after acid attack hits Notting Hill Carnival

The peaceful gathering was interrupted Sunday evening

The Notting Hill Carnival was interrupted Sunday night as a "mild acidic liquid" was spread over a crowd at St Charles Square, injuring at least two patrons.

With about two million people attending the annual festival throughout the weekend, local authorities were given special kits in order to combat acid attacks, which recently have seen an increase. The kits included nitrile gloves, extra water supplies and testing facilities for corrosive substances.

A spokesman from the Metropolitan Police touched on what took place following the attack: "Some of the crowd in the area then quickly dispersed, causing injuries to two people, who have since received treatment from the London Ambulance Service at the scene. Three people have also reported skin irritation injuries, although these are not thought to be serious."

The attack came after a generally peaceful event, which featured a tribute to the victims of the Grenfall fire where all music was shut off for a moment of silence. The decision was orchestrated by local community groups, alongside Tower survivors group Grenfell United.

No arrests have been made in association with the acid attack and authorities are investigating what took place.

Harrison is Mixmag's East Coast Editor. Follow him on Twitter here