
Ibiza council is cracking down on noisy clubs and bars in San Antonio

It has the West End in its sights

Tourism bosses in San Antonio, Ibiza are threatening a crackdown on the noise coming from its bars and nightclubs which could result in new venues in the area not being allowed to open.

According to the Mirror, the council says local residents are currently exposed to “unbearable” sound levels of 85.9 decibels at night, the same level of noise a Boeing 737 makes from a mile above the ground.

The crackdown is aimed at the notorious West End, which San Antonio council hopes to turn into a Special Zone of Acoustic Protection “accompanied by a series of corrective measures aimed at alleviating the situation and a technical report that guarantees its impact”.

Current measures include pedestrianising the area to stop traffic noise.

Environmental councillor for San Antonio, Pablo Valdés, told Diario de Ibiza the noise is making people move from the area.

"The disturbances of public order and the torrent of images of excesses in the streets summer after summer, which has generated a perception of the current tourist model as a hostile activity among the island population.”

New regulations are expected to come into effect for summer 2018 with the threat of closure for establishments that fail to adhere.

Louis Anderson-Rich is Mixmag's Digital Producer. Follow him on Twitter