Q&A: Homage Tees

We get the lowdown from the guy behind the Louis Theroux tee

We discovered Homage Tees last summer, shortly after writing about the label's grime-focused counterpart, which launched under the moniker Grime Tees. Whereas Grime Tees focuses on legendary artists from that specific genre, Homage Tees features iconic faces of celebrities and heroes from different backgrounds, from Princess Diana to Goldie, among many other current and forgotten heroes you’d struggle to find on T-shirts anywhere else.

We caught up with the elusive designer behind the brand to talk about designs, promotions and meeting his heroes.

So who are you and how many of you are behind the brand?

There’s a few people who make it all work but it’s not important. What’s important is we love to pay homage.

What are you reasons for remaining anonymous?

We’re shy.

Do you think it’s been harder to promote the brand while keeping anonymity?

Not at all. If you make something the people want, they will pick up on it and people wear homage tees because they fuck with them, not because of who’s behind them.

Promotion doesn’t seem to be an issue as we’ve seen everybody from Skepta to Kim Jones paying homage. You must be proud?

Yeah, It’s good to see people you respect following your movement. We're just proud that people understand the importance of paying homage.

Is there anybody else you’ve been surprised to see supporting the brand?

Yeah. Big up Louis Theroux. He tweeted he was gonna buy a T-shirt for his wife for Christmas. Also Kieth Allen who's got a Jeff Stelling tee.

And is there anybody you’d like to see in your stuff?

Yeah, one of the locals or maybe bossman at the corner shop.

In terms of design, is there a thought process behind each tee, or are they created from personal preference?

They all come from personal preference but we’re from the same culture so people feel the same as we do about them.

Would you say there designed on personal heroes?

Most definitely. Everyone we’ve payed homage to is a certified hero.

Have you ever crossed paths with of the icons you’ve put on a T-shirt?

Yeah, I smoked a spliff with Howard Marks. What a bloody legend.

What did you talk about?

We spoke about how good the weed was. We didn’t talk as much we were both pretty high.

Finally, what can we expect next from Homage Tees?

Homage Awards 2018. Watch this space.

Head over to the Homage Tees website to check out the full range and shop the collection.