F1K (DJ Earl Remix)

Raw minimalist techno taken up a few notches

Earl Smith, who’s better known as DJ Earl, is informing his craft with some unexpected influences on a new remix of F1K of Brooklyn’s Sweat Equity imprint.

DJ Earl has established himself on a spirited take on footwork, following the incisive guidance of juke pioneers DJ Rashad and DJ Spinn. In light of the announcement of his collaboration with Oneohtrix Point Never, DJ Earl’s flip of F1K’s untitled EP opener sees him stepping into unusual and decidedly left-field territory.

Hailing from Baltimore, F1K likes his techno aggressive and pointillistic. ‘Untitled’ falls in line with the kind of dance music that heady labels like Editions Mego or Diagonal records spool out release after release.

F1K built a cut on squelching acidic lines worming their way around a big room kick drum and wood block percussions, but DJ Earl’s take on the analogue workout pushes the tempo even farther into oblivion.

F1K’s ‘Touched Music’ is out today via Sweat Equity.