
Detailed photos of Daft Punk's Grammys set

Get up close and personal with that now famous live performance

By now you'll know that Daft Punk won four awards at this year's Grammys and turned in what can only be called a stellar hits medley.

If their appearance on stage with Nile Rodgers, Pharell and Stevie Wonder wasn't enough, they played from a set based on the MU-TH-UR 6000 computer from Alien.

The robots caused a stir after appearing suddenly behind a gold mixing desk wearing crisp white suits. And now visual effects artist Jim Logiudice has uploaded a bunch of behind-the-scenes photos showing the set in further detail.

The set was put together by Tino Schaedler and Optimist Design as well as Daft Arts and Logiudice confirms that the mixing desk did indeed work. Check his full blog post out here and a selection of his photos below.

[Via: Fact]