
Deadmau5: Paris Hilton DJing is "insulting as fuck"

He's told her to "get the fuck back" in her Go-kart

The man with the Mau5 head has spoken out against Hilton's attempt at a DJ career, saying all she is is "ticket sales".

He actually started his Tumblr post in pretty reasonable fashion - for him anyway - but soon returned to firing his well-aimed shots.

"I remember back when, at the Cosmo in Vegas, I guess I was accommodating (as far as that usually goes for me). I could see she was having a fun time, liked the music and just wanted to be a part of it all. Even I couldn't hate on that.

"But let's get real here for a second. There's being involved and enthusiastic about something and then there's just being a straight up ass."

He went on to make a comparison of Formula 1 drivers to DJs who've been working their way up for years, and that's when he really went in.

"So, don't you think it would be a tad insulting to the professionals and fans of the driving world if I just showed up one day, dated a driver, then hopped on the circuit the following week 'just because I can'? God. Even i know my fucking limits. That's just insulting as fuck."

Reckon she'll "get the fuck back" in her Go-kart? Unlikely.

[ Photo: George Martinez]