Check out these very Southern California photos from Splash House
The August 2015 edition featured more inflatable objects and self-indulgent people
Photos: Jamie Rosenberg
Splash House returned to Palm Springs, California for round two of its 2015 festival season on August 8 and 9.
The festival took place across three hotels including The Hard Rock, The Hilton and The Saguaro, and brought in a variety of sunshine-vibe distributers including Shiba San, Jonas Rathsman, Mija, Moon Boots, Waze & Odyssey and more.
The home for the after party was on the expansive grounds of the Palm Springs Air Museum, where thousands of sun stroked kids got down to a hefty amount of trap music from Jai Wolf, Wax Motif and more.
Check out some very stereotypically Southern California photos above, including an appearance from a massive inflatable Sriracha bottle.