Check out these brilliantly retro Daft Punk merch adverts

These will make you want a Daft Punk yo-yo or frisbee more than you could possibly imagine

Daft Punk have just put a host of new merchandise items up for sale on their website, accompanying each product with a cool, throwback advertising poster.

We already knew about the yo-yo, cap, frisbee and skate deck but now a set of badges, logo hoodie and 'space pen' have been added, presumably ahead of the Christmas rush.

Basically, Daft Punk's online store has just about any robot-related item you could ever want, and they all look amazing fronted with the sleek ads.

In fact, the advert promoting the Daft Punk poster would be more appealing to own as a poster than the one it's selling. Get them printed and added to the store as well fellas.

Check out the adverts above, and if any items take your fancy you can purchase them at Daft Punk's online store. Some have sold out already so don't sleep if you're keen.

The legendary French duo have also started an Instagram account dedicated solely to the adverts, follow it here.