
Buy "the original studio mixer" of Moritz von Oswald

It's up for sale on eBay for €17,000

Moritz von Oswald's mixing console could be yours as it's up for sale on eBay.

The Speck Electronics SSM-24 isn't cheap, going for €17,000, but that's no surprise bearing in mind it was responsible for a long list of techno productions from Basic Channel, Rhythm & Sound, Maurizo and Recomposed (the series in which Carl Craig and von Oswald collaborated).

As well as 12 stereo line inputs channels, there's two expander packs - stereo and mono - with 16 additional channels to use, as well as four Neutrik Patchbays and Mogami patch cables.

Head to the Nation-X listing here for more information and pictures. And maybe even buy it.

[Via: FACT]