Bloc ravers flood Omar-S Facebook event with George Hull-related jokes

They're all related to one of the party's founders saying modern-day partying is boring

Ravers aren't letting George Hull's ridiculous comments about Bloc get them down, with the London party thrower even having a bit of fun of its own.

Omar-S (pictured) is at Bloc's Autumn Street Studios on May 28 and the Facebook event has been inundated with witty posts relating to Hull's putdown of apparently boring, Wi-Fi-craving, vegan dieting dance music heads at this year's weekender.

Instead of coming out with its defensive guard raised (the statement will do, to be fair), Bloc's been replying with some comical gold of its own.

We've had a right little laugh reading some of the quips - from the type of meals on offer to attendance depending on parents' availability to do post-rave pick-ups - so we've put together a gallery of our favourites.

Fair play to Bloc to playing along, too!

Dave Turner is Mixmag's Digital News Editor, follow him on Twitter