
Björk releases a fantastically bizarre music video for 'Arisen My Senses'

Inspired by slugs

Mixmag's end of the year cover star Björk has released a new video for 'Arisen My Senses' off her album 'Utopia' that'll leave your senses tingling.

Beginning from a pulsating opaque white cocoon that transforms into a mouth and tongue dance, Björk and Arca emerge and explore a mystical alien land. The video was directed by Jesse Kanda, who explained that the inspiration for both he and Björk were slugs.

"A couple of years ago, this giant unidentified creature washed up in Indonesia. It was this gorgeous mound of white skin and fat and flesh in a pool of blood on a sunny beach. That really moved me – like total awe. It was the combination of something so catastrophic being so beautiful at the same time, the mystery and fantasy of what it actually was, and the connection to the grander ecological context," he explains. “Björk had been playing a video of leopard slugs mating at her concerts, so I knew she and I both loved that as an image."

Watch the video here.