
Australian insane asylum to host one-off party

Hidden Sounds from the Z Ward takes 'crazy' party venue to a literal level

An Australian insane asylum is being taken over by Helpmann Award winner and Soundstream Artistic director Gabriella Smart for the first instalment in a series of music events taking place unique and underused spaces on October 10.

The Z Ward in Adelaide's Glenside Hospital was used to confine 'criminal mental defectives' from 1887 until its closure in 1973.

The Hidden Sounds from the Z Ward event will blend contemporary and classical sounds, featuring performances from the University of Adelaide's electronic music unit director Christian Haines, classical violinist Niki Vasilakis, vocalist Anthony Zatorski, and cellist Simon Cobcroft.

The building looks ideal for a party, with large rooms and unique acoustics.

Speaking about the space, Gabriella Smart revealed that the Z Ward was built in "a period when it was this age of enlightenment when they believed prisoners could be rehabilitated through solitary confinement and dwelling on their thoughts, so the building itself is very beautiful and big, the cells and upstairs corridors are very large.

"At the same time it's incredibly eery, this is the ward where there was definitely no return, but what an incredible space to fill up with music!"

Part of the proceeds from the event will be donated to mental health charity Beyond Blue.

[Via: Rip It Up]