
Aphex Twin's new track is squelchy, menacing electro made only with Korg gear

He also interviews Korg advisor Tatsuya Takahashi

Aphex Twin has unveiled a new track made exclusively from Korg gear.

The new music was shared in an interview with former Korg engineer Tatsuya Takahashi. The duo had previously worked together on the Korg Monologue synth to make it the only synth on the market to have full microtuning editing.

‘Korg Funk 5’ is a squelchy electro track made with 3 Korg Monologues, a Korg MS-20 kit, a Korg Poly-61M, a Korg Volca keys, a Korg Volca beats, a Korg Volca sample, a Korg Minilogue and his son on vocals.

In the interview, the pair extensively discuss 440hz signals, tuning SH101s, the standardisation of creativity and the perfect cigarette. It’s an intense interview that you can read here.

Listen to 'Korg Funk 5' below.