
A Spanish businessman is trying to secure the rights to the 'Ibiza Shore' name

He's not too keen on the MTV show going ahead

People in Ibiza really don't like the idea of the MTV-commissioned show Ibiza Shore.

Politicians have already been getting involved by saying they don't want the island's image to be tarnished by it, asking businesses to refuse permission to film, and now a businessman's even gone as far as to apply for registration to the rights of the show's name to stop it going ahead.

The team behind Shore have been a bit slack if what entrepreneur and 'promoter of nautical tourism' Jaume Torres has said is correct: "The registry process takes months, so the brand still belongs to no one and, according to the patent and brand law, the first to apply for it should have priority.

"I am adding my support to the initiative to say 'no' to these programmes which tarnish Ibiza's image."

We like you, Jaume.

[ Via: the Telegraph]